Cardiometabolic Biomarkers

SelexOn CRP - 20 Tests/Box

SelexOn CRP - 20 Tests/Box

Need to include this info in further descriptipn: The SelexOn™ CRP is test strip for immune-assay detection toquantify concentration of CRPwith SelexOn™ Meter, a risk factor in inflammation. The test strip is for in vitrodiagnostic useand professional use only. SelexOn™ CRP is intended to be used in laboratories, clinics andhospitals.The C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is synthesized by the liver in response to interleukin-6 and wellknown as one of the classical acute-phase reactants and as a marker of inflammation. CRP isthe first acute-phase protein to bedescribed and is an exquisitely sensitive systemic markerofinflammation and tissue damage. In response toinfection, the serum CRP concentrationcan increase by up to 1000 fold. Elevated CRP levels have been reported inpatients withinfection, chronic inflammatory disorders, myocardial infarction, pulmonary disorders,atherosclerosis,cancer, metabolic syndrome, and depression. The SelexOn™CRP measuresquantitatively CRP concentration in humanblood.